Terms and conditions
The photographs on this website may be downloaded and used privately or published commercially under a Creative Commons Attribution NoDerivatives Licence. This means that if the photographs are published commercially:
1. You must give Appropriate Credit.
2. There must be No Derivatives. If you transform, or build upon the material, you may not distribute the modified material.
In addition, if a photograph(s) is published commercially, you must inform me of the intended use using the Contact form on this website.
If you do wish to transform or build upon a photograph for a commercial use, e.g. by cropping or altering the tonal values, you should contact me using the Contact form and either 1) describe the proposed modification or 2) send me a copy of the photograph under the proposed modifications. I will - if I deem it appropriate - either carry out the proposed transformations and send you the revised photograph or agree or not agree to the transformations as shown on the copy sent to me.
I thank you for your cooperation.